Clio develop
The XRP Ledger API server.
This is the complete list of members for web::Detector< PlainSessionType, SslSessionType, HandlerType >, including all inherited members.
Detector(tcp::socket &&socket, std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< boost::asio::ssl::context > > ctx, std::reference_wrapper< util::TagDecoratorFactory const > tagFactory, std::reference_wrapper< dosguard::DOSGuardInterface > dosGuard, std::shared_ptr< HandlerType > handler, std::shared_ptr< AdminVerificationStrategy > adminVerification, std::uint32_t maxWsSendingQueueSize) | web::Detector< PlainSessionType, SslSessionType, HandlerType > | inline |
fail(boost::system::error_code ec, char const *message) | web::Detector< PlainSessionType, SslSessionType, HandlerType > | inline |
onDetect(boost::beast::error_code ec, bool result) | web::Detector< PlainSessionType, SslSessionType, HandlerType > | inline |
run() | web::Detector< PlainSessionType, SslSessionType, HandlerType > | inline |