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The XRP Ledger API server.
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Clio Migration

Clio maintains the off-chain data of XRPL and multiple indexes tables to powering complex queries. To simplify the creation of index tables, this migration framework handles the process of database change and facilitates the migration of historical data seamlessly.

Command Line Usage

Clio provides a migration command-line tool to migrate data in database.

‍Note: We need a configuration file to run the migration tool. This configuration file has the same format as the configuration file of the Clio server, ensuring consistency and ease of use. It reads the database configuration from the same session as the server's configuration, eliminating the need for separate setup or additional configuration files. Be aware that migration-specific configuration is under .migration session.

To query migration status:

./clio_server –migrate status ~/config/migrator.json

This command returns the current migration status of each migrator. The example output:

Current Migration Status:
Migrator: ExampleMigrator - Feature v1, Clio v3 - not migrated

To start a migration:

./clio_server –migrate ExampleMigrator ~/config/migrator.json

Migration will run if the migrator has not been migrated. The migrator will be marked as migrated after the migration is completed.

How to write a migrator

Note If you'd like to add new index table in Clio and old historical data needs to be migrated into new table, you'd need to write a migrator.

A migrator satisfies the MigratorSpec(impl/Spec.hpp) concept.

It contains:

  • A kNAME which will be used to identify the migrator. User will refer this migrator in command-line tool by this name. The name needs to be different with other migrators, otherwise a compilation error will be raised.
  • A kDESCRIPTION which is the detail information of the migrator.
  • An optional kCAN_BLOCK_CLIO which indicates whether the migrator can block the Clio server. If it's absent, the migrator can't block server. If there is a blocking migrator not completed, the Clio server will fail to start.
  • A static function runMigration, it will be called when user run --migrate name. It accepts two parameters: backend, which provides the DB operations interface, and cfg, which provides migration-related configuration. Each migrator can have its own configuration under .migration session.
  • A type name alias Backend which specifies the backend type it supports.

Note Each migrator is designed to work with a specific database.

  • Register your migrator in MigrationManager. Currently we only support Cassandra/ScyllaDB. Migrator needs to be registered in CassandraSupportedMigrators.

How to use full table scanner (Only for Cassandra/ScyllaDB)

Sometimes migrator isn't able to query the historical data by table's partition key. For example, migrator of transactions needs the historical transaction data without knowing each transaction hash. Full table scanner can help to get all the rows in parallel.

Most indexes are based on either ledger states or transactions. We provide the objects and transactions scanner. Developers only need to implement the callback function to receive the historical data. Please find the examples in tests/integration/migration/cassandra/ExampleTransactionsMigrator.cpp and tests/integration/migration/cassandra/ExampleObjectsMigrator.cpp.

Note The full table scanner splits the table into multiple ranges by token( A few of rows maybe read 2 times if its token happens to be at the edge of ranges. Deduplication is needed in the callback function.

How to write a full table scan adapter (Only for Cassandra/ScyllaDB)

If you need to do full scan against other table, you can follow below steps:

  • Describe the table which needs full scan in a struct. It has to satisfy the TableSpec(cassandra/Spec.hpp) concept, containing static member:
    • Tuple type Row, it's the type of each field in a row. The order of types should match what database will return in a row. Key types should come first, followed by other field types sorted in alphabetical order.
    • kPARTITION_KEY, it's the name of the partition key of the table.
  • Inherent from FullTableScannerAdapterBase.
  • Implement onRowRead, its parameter is the Row we defined. It's the callback function when a row is read.

Please take ObjectsAdapter/TransactionsAdapter as example.


We have some example migrators under tests/integration/migration/cassandra folder.

  • ExampleDropTableMigrator

    This migrator drops diff table.

  • ExampleLedgerMigrator

    This migrator shows how to migrate data when we don't need to do full table scan. This migrator creates an index table ledger_example which maintains the map of ledger sequence and its account hash.

  • ExampleObjectsMigrator

    This migrator shows how to migrate ledger states related data. It uses ObjectsScanner to proceed the full scan in parallel. It counts the number of ACCOUNT_ROOT.

  • ExampleTransactionsMigrator

    This migrator shows how to migrate transactions related data. It uses TransactionsScanner to proceed the transactions table full scan in parallel. It creates an index table tx_index_example which tracks the transaction hash and its according transaction type.