rippled Source

Some of these directories come from entire outside repositories brought in using git-subtree. This means that the source files are inserted directly into the rippled repository. They can be edited and committed just as if they were normal files.

If you create a commit that contains files both from a subtree, and from the rippled source tree, please use care when designing the commit message, since it will appear in the subtree's individual repository when the changes are pushed back to the upstream. Better yet, do not mix files from subtrees and ripple in the same commit at all.

Source folders:

Folder Upstream Repo Description
beast N/A legacy utility code that was formerly associated with boost::beast
ed25519-donna Ed25519 digital signatures
ripple N/A Core source code for rippled
secp256k1 ECDSA digital signatures using the secp256k1 curve
test N/A Unit tests for rippled

The following dependencies are downloaded and built using ExternalProject (or FetchContent, where possible). Refer to CMakeLists.txt file for details about how these sources are built :

Name Upstream Repo Description
lz4 LZ4 lossless compression algorithm
nudb Constant-time insert-only key/value database for SSD drives (Less memory usage than RocksDB.)
snappy "Snappy" lossless compression algorithm.
soci Abstraction layer for database access.
sqlite An embedded database engine that writes to simple files.
rocksdb Fast key/value database. (Supports rotational disks better than NuDB.)
protobuf Protocol buffer data interchange format. Only downloaded/built if a suitable version is not found by find_package, or if the local_protobuf option is explicitly set