Clio develop
The XRP Ledger API server.
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Errors.hpp File Reference
#include <boost/json/object.hpp>
#include <xrpl/protocol/ErrorCodes.h>
#include <exception>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
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struct  rpc::ClioErrorInfo
 Holds info about a particular ClioError. More...
struct  rpc::Status
 A status returned from any RPC handler. More...
struct  rpc::WarningInfo
 Holds information about a clio warning. More...
class  rpc::InvalidParamsError
 Invalid parameters error. More...
class  rpc::AccountNotFoundError
 Account not found error. More...


namespace  rpc
 This namespace contains all the RPC logic and handlers.


using rpc::RippledError = ripple::error_code_i
 Clio uses compatible Rippled error codes for most RPC errors.
using rpc::CombinedError = std::variant<RippledError, ClioError>
 Clio operates on a combination of Rippled and Custom Clio error codes.


enum class  rpc::ClioError {
  RpcMalformedCurrency = 5000 , RpcMalformedRequest = 5001 , RpcMalformedOwner = 5002 , RpcMalformedAddress = 5003 ,
  RpcUnknownOption = 5005 , RpcFieldNotFoundTransaction = 5006 , RpcMalformedOracleDocumentId = 5007 , RpcMalformedAuthorizedCredentials = 5008 ,
  RpcInvalidApiVersion = 6000 , RpcCommandIsMissing = 6001 , RpcCommandNotString = 6002 , RpcCommandIsEmpty = 6003 ,
  RpcParamsUnparseable = 6004 , EtlConnectionError = 7000 , EtlRequestError = 7001 , EtlRequestTimeout = 7002 ,
  EtlInvalidResponse = 7003
 Custom clio RPC Errors.
enum  rpc::WarningCode {
  WarnUnknown = -1 , WarnRpcClio = 2001 , WarnRpcOutdated = 2002 , WarnRpcRateLimit = 2003 ,
  WarnRpcDeprecated = 2004
 Warning codes that can be returned by clio.


WarningInfo const & rpc::getWarningInfo (WarningCode code)
 Get the warning info object from a warning code.
ClioErrorInfo const & rpc::getErrorInfo (ClioError code)
 Get the error info object from an clio-specific error code.
boost::json::object rpc::makeWarning (WarningCode code)
 Generate JSON from a rpc::WarningCode.
boost::json::object rpc::makeError (Status const &status)
 Generate JSON from a rpc::Status.
boost::json::object rpc::makeError (RippledError err, std::optional< std::string_view > customError=std::nullopt, std::optional< std::string_view > customMessage=std::nullopt)
 Generate JSON from a rpc::RippledError.
boost::json::object rpc::makeError (ClioError err, std::optional< std::string_view > customError=std::nullopt, std::optional< std::string_view > customMessage=std::nullopt)
 Generate JSON from a rpc::ClioError.


static Status rpc::gOk
 A globally available rpc::Status that represents a successful state.