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util::StrandedPriorityQueue< T, Compare > Class Template Reference

A wrapper for std::priority_queue that serialises operations using a strand. More...

#include <StrandedPriorityQueue.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 StrandedPriorityQueue (util::async::AnyStrand &&strand, std::optional< std::size_t > limit=std::nullopt)
 Construct a new priority queue on a strand.
template<typename I >
requires std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<I>, T>
bool enqueue (I &&item)
 Enqueue a new item onto the queue if space is available.
std::optional< T > dequeue ()
 Dequeue the next available item out of the queue.
bool empty ()
 Check if the queue is empty.

Detailed Description

template<typename T, typename Compare = std::less<T>>
class util::StrandedPriorityQueue< T, Compare >

A wrapper for std::priority_queue that serialises operations using a strand.

This may be a candidate for future improvements if performance proves to be poor (e.g. use a lock free queue)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ StrandedPriorityQueue()

template<typename T , typename Compare = std::less<T>>
util::StrandedPriorityQueue< T, Compare >::StrandedPriorityQueue ( util::async::AnyStrand && strand,
std::optional< std::size_t > limit = std::nullopt )

Construct a new priority queue on a strand.

strandThe strand to use
limitThe limit of items allowed simultaniously in the queue

Member Function Documentation

◆ dequeue()

template<typename T , typename Compare = std::less<T>>
std::optional< T > util::StrandedPriorityQueue< T, Compare >::dequeue ( )

Dequeue the next available item out of the queue.

This function blocks until the item is taken off the queue
An item if available; nullopt otherwise

◆ empty()

template<typename T , typename Compare = std::less<T>>
bool util::StrandedPriorityQueue< T, Compare >::empty ( )

Check if the queue is empty.

This function blocks until the queue is checked
true if the queue is empty; false otherwise

◆ enqueue()

template<typename T , typename Compare = std::less<T>>
template<typename I >
requires std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<I>, T>
bool util::StrandedPriorityQueue< T, Compare >::enqueue ( I && item)

Enqueue a new item onto the queue if space is available.

This function blocks until the item is attempted to be added to the queue
Template Parameters
IType of the item to add
itemThe item to add
true if item added to the queue; false otherwise

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