Clio develop
The XRP Ledger API server.
▼Ndata | This namespace implements the data access layer and related components |
▼Ncassandra | This namespace implements a wrapper for the Cassandra C++ driver |
RSomeSettingsProvider | The requirements of a settings provider |
RSomeExecutionStrategy | The requirements of an execution strategy |
RSomeRetryPolicy | The requirements of a retry policy |
RSomeBackendCounters | A concept for a class that can be used to count backend operations |
▼Netl | This namespace contains everything to do with the ETL and ETL sources |
RSomeETLService | |
RSomeLoadBalancer | |
▼Netlng | |
▼Nimpl | |
RHasLedgerDataHook | |
RHasInitialDataHook | |
RHasTransactionHook | |
RHasObjectHook | |
RHasInitialTransactionHook | |
RHasInitialObjectsHook | |
RHasInitialObjectHook | |
RContainsSpec | |
RContainsValidHook | |
RNoTwoOfKind | |
RSomeExtension | |
RSomeScheduler | |
▼Nfeed | This namespace implements everything related to subscriptions |
▼Nimpl | |
RHashable | |
▼Nmigration | |
▼Ncassandra | |
▼Nimpl | |
RCanReadByTokenRange | The concept for an adapter |
RTableSpec | |
▼Nimpl | |
RMigrationBackend | |
RBackendMatchAllMigrators | |
RHasCanBlockClio | |
RMigratorSpec | The migrator specification concept |
RAllMigratorSpec | Used by variadic template to check all migrators are MigratorSpec |
▼Nrpc | This namespace contains all the RPC logic and handlers |
RSomeRequirement | Specifies what a requirement used with rpc::FieldSpec must provide |
RSomeModifier | Specifies what a modifier used with rpc::FieldSpec must provide |
RSomeCheck | Specifies what a check used with rpc::FieldSpec must provide |
RSomeProcessor | The requirements of a processor to be used with rpc::FieldSpec |
RSomeContextProcessWithInput | A process function that expects both some Input and a Context |
RSomeContextProcessWithoutInput | A process function that expects no Input but does take a Context |
RSomeHandlerWithInput | Specifies what a Handler with Input must provide |
RSomeHandlerWithoutInput | Specifies what a Handler without Input must provide |
RSomeHandler | Specifies what a Handler type must provide |
▼Nutil | This namespace contains various utilities |
▼Nasync | This namespace implements an async framework built on top of execution contexts |
RSomeStoppable | Specifies the interface for an entity that can be stopped |
RSomeCancellable | Specifies the interface for an entity that can be cancelled |
RSomeAwaitable | Specifies the interface for an operation that can be awaited |
RSomeAbortable | Specifies the interface for an operation that can be aborted |
RSomeOperation | Specifies the interface for an operation |
RSomeOperationWithData | Specifies the interface for an operation |
RSomeStoppableOperation | Specifies the interface for an operation that can be stopped |
RSomeCancellableOperation | Specifies the interface for an operation that can be cancelled |
RSomeOutcome | Specifies the interface for an outcome (promise) |
RSomeStopToken | Specifies the interface for a stop token |
RSomeYieldStopSource | Specifies the interface for a stop token that internally uses a boost::asio::yield_context |
RSomeSimpleStopSource | Specifies the interface for a simple stop token |
RSomeStopSource | Specifies the interface for a stop source |
RSomeStopSourceProvider | Specifies the interface for a provider of stop sources |
RSomeStoppableOutcome | Specifies the interface for an outcome (promise) that can be stopped |
RSomeHandlerWithoutStopToken | Specifies the interface for a handler that can be stopped |
RSomeHandlerWith | Specifies the interface for a handler that can be invoked with the specified args |
RSomeStdDuration | Specifies that the type must be some std::duration |
RSomeStdOptional | Specifies that the type must be some std::optional |
RSomeOptStdDuration | Specifies that the type must be some std::duration wrapped in an optional |
RNotSameAs | Checks that decayed T s not of the same type as Erased |
RRValueNotSameAs | Check that T is an r-value and is not the same type as Erased |
▼Nprometheus | |
▼Nimpl | |
RSomeCounterImpl | |
RSomeHistogramImpl | |
RSomeBoolImpl | |
RSomeNumberType | Specifies a number type |
▼Nweb | This namespace implements the web server and related components |
▼Nng | |
▼Nimpl | |
RIsTcpStream | |
RIsSslTcpStream | |
RSomeServer | |
RSomeServerHandler | Specifies the requirements a Webserver handler must fulfill |
RSomeResolver | The requirements of a resolver |