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data::cassandra Namespace Reference

This namespace implements a wrapper for the Cassandra C++ driver. More...


class  BasicCassandraBackend
 Implements BackendInterface for Cassandra/ScyllaDB. More...
class  CassandraError
 A simple container for both error message and error code. More...
class  Handle
 Represents a handle to the cassandra database cluster. More...
struct  Limit
 A strong type wrapper for int32_t. More...
class  Schema
 Manages the DB schema and provides access to prepared statements. More...
class  SettingsProvider
 Provides settings for BasicCassandraBackend. More...
struct  Text
 A strong type wrapper for string. More...


concept  SomeSettingsProvider
 The requirements of a settings provider.
concept  SomeExecutionStrategy
 The requirements of an execution strategy.
concept  SomeRetryPolicy
 The requirements of a retry policy.


using Settings = impl::Settings
using Future = impl::Future
using FutureWithCallback = impl::FutureWithCallback
using Result = impl::Result
using Statement = impl::Statement
using PreparedStatement = impl::PreparedStatement
using Batch = impl::Batch
using MaybeError = std::expected<void, CassandraError>
using ResultOrError = std::expected<Result, CassandraError>
using Error = std::unexpected<CassandraError>
using CassandraBackend = BasicCassandraBackend<SettingsProvider, impl::DefaultExecutionStrategy<>>


template<typename... Types>
impl::ResultExtractor< Types... > extract (Handle::ResultType const &result)
 Extracts the results into series of std::tuple<Types...> by creating a simple wrapper with an STL input iterator inside.
template<SomeSettingsProvider SettingsProviderType>
std::string qualifiedTableName (SettingsProviderType const &provider, std::string_view name)
 Returns the table name qualified with the keyspace and table prefix.

Detailed Description

This namespace implements a wrapper for the Cassandra C++ driver.

Function Documentation

◆ extract()

template<typename... Types>
impl::ResultExtractor< Types... > data::cassandra::extract ( Handle::ResultType const & result)

Extracts the results into series of std::tuple<Types...> by creating a simple wrapper with an STL input iterator inside.

You can call .begin() and .end() in order to iterate as usual. This also means that you can use it in a range-based for or with some algorithms.

Template Parameters
TypesThe types to extract
resultThe result to iterate
An extractor object (iterator inside)

◆ qualifiedTableName()

template<SomeSettingsProvider SettingsProviderType>
std::string data::cassandra::qualifiedTableName ( SettingsProviderType const & provider,
std::string_view name )

Returns the table name qualified with the keyspace and table prefix.

Template Parameters
SettingsProviderTypeThe settings provider type
providerThe settings provider
nameThe name of the table
The qualified table name