Clio develop
The XRP Ledger API server.
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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Crpc::AccountChannelsHandlerThe account_channels method returns information about an account's Payment Channels. This includes only channels where the specified account is the channel's source, not the destination. All information retrieved is relative to a particular version of the ledger
 Crpc::AccountCurrenciesHandlerThe account_currencies command retrieves a list of currencies that an account can send or receive, based on its trust lines
 Crpc::AccountCursorA cursor object used to traverse nodes owned by an account
 Crpc::AccountInfoHandlerThe account_info command retrieves information about an account, its activity, and its XRP balance
 Crpc::AccountLinesHandlerThe account_lines method returns information about an account's trust lines, which contain balances in all non-XRP currencies and assets
 Crpc::AccountNFTsHandlerThe account_nfts method returns a list of NFToken objects for the specified account
 Crpc::AccountObjectsHandlerThe account_objects command returns the raw ledger format for all objects owned by an account. The results can be filtered by the type. The valid types are: check, deposit_preauth, escrow, nft_offer, offer, payment_channel, signer_list, state (trust line), did and ticket
 Crpc::AccountOffersHandlerThe account_offers method retrieves a list of offers made by a given account
 CAccountTransactionsDataStruct used to keep track of what to write to account_transactions/account_tx tables
 Crpc::AccountTxHandlerThe account_tx method retrieves a list of transactions that involved the specified account
 Capp::CliArgs::ActionAn action parsed from the command line
 Crpc::BaseServerInfoHandler< LoadBalancerType, ETLServiceType, CountersType >::AdminSectionA struct to hold the admin section of the output
 Cweb::AdminVerificationStrategyInterface for admin verification strategies
 Cdata::AmendmentRepresents an amendment in the XRPL
 Cetlng::AmendmentBlockHandlerInterfaceThe interface of a handler for amendment blocking
 Cdata::AmendmentCenterInterfaceThe interface of an amendment center
 Cdata::AmendmentKeyA helper for amendment name to feature conversions
 Cdata::AmendmentsList of supported amendments
 Crpc::AMMInfoHandlerAMMInfoHandler returns information about AMM pools
 Cutil::prometheus::AnyBool< ImplType >A wrapped to provide bool interface for a Prometheus metric
 Cutil::prometheus::impl::AnyCounterBase< NumberType >
 Cutil::async::AnyExecutionContextA type-erased execution context
 Crpc::AnyHandlerA type-erased Handler that can contain any (NextGen) RPC handler class
 Cutil::async::AnyOperation< RetType >A type-erased operation that can be executed via AnyExecutionContext
 Cutil::async::AnyStopTokenA type-erased stop token
 Cutil::async::AnyStrandA type-erased execution context
 Crpc::APIVersionParserA baseclass for API version helper
 Cutil::config::ArrayArray definition to store multiple values provided by the user from Json/Yaml
 Cutil::config::ArrayView::ArrayIterator< T >Custom iterator class which contains config object or value underneath ArrayView
 Cutil::config::ArrayViewView for array structure for config
 Cutil::Atomic< NumberType >Atomic wrapper for integral and floating point types
 Cdata::BackendCountersHolds statistics about the backend
 Cdata::BackendInterfaceThe interface to the database used by Clio
 Cweb::dosguard::BaseDOSGuardThe interface of a denial of service guard
 Crpc::BaseServerInfoHandler< LoadBalancerType, ETLServiceType, CountersType >Contains common functionality for handling the server_info command
 Cutil::BaseTagDecoratorRepresents any tag decorator
 Crpc::BaseTxHandler< ETLServiceType >Contains common functionality for handling the tx command
 Cutil::async::BasicExecutionContext< ContextType, StopSourceType, DispatcherType, TimerContextProvider, ErrorHandlerType >A highly configurable execution context
 Cutil::async::impl::BasicOperation< RetType >
 Cutil::async::impl::BasicOperation< StoppableOutcome< RetType, StopSourceType > >
 Cutil::async::impl::BasicOutcome< RetType >Base for all promise side of async operations
 Cutil::async::impl::BasicStrand< ParentContextType, StopSourceType, DispatcherType, TimerContextProvider, ErrorHandlerType >
 Crpc::validation::Between< Type >Validate that value is between specified min and max
 Crpc::BookChangeRepresents an entry in the book_changes' changes array
 Crpc::BookChangesEncapsulates the book_changes computations and transformations
 Crpc::BookChangesHandlerBookChangesHandler returns the order book changes for a given ledger
 Crpc::BookOffersHandlerThe book_offers method retrieves a list of Offers between two currencies, also known as an order book
 Cdata::BookOffersPageRepresents a page of book offer objects
 Cetlng::model::BookSuccessorRepresents a book successor
 Cetl::CacheLoader< CacheType, ExecutionContextType >Cache loading interface
 Cetl::impl::CacheLoaderImpl< CacheType >
 Cetl::CacheLoaderSettingsSettings for the cache loader
 Crpc::BaseServerInfoHandler< LoadBalancerType, ETLServiceType, CountersType >::CacheSectionA struct to hold the cache section of the output
 Cdata::cassandra::CassandraErrorA simple container for both error message and error code
 Cmigration::cassandra::impl::CassandraMigrationSchemaThe schema for the migration process. It contains the prepared statements only used for the migration process
 Crpc::AccountChannelsHandler::ChannelResponseA struct to hold data for one channel response
 Crpc::modifiers::Clamp< Type >Clamp value between min and max
 Capp::CliArgsParsed command line arguments representation
 Capp::ClioApplicationThe main application class
 Cutil::config::ClioConfigDefinitionAll the config data will be stored and extracted from this class
 Cutil::config::ClioConfigDescriptionAll the config description are stored and extracted from this class
 Crpc::ClioErrorInfoHolds info about a particular ClioError
 Cutil::prometheus::impl::AnyCounterBase< NumberType >::Concept
 Cutil::ConfigConvenience wrapper to query a JSON configuration file
 Cutil::config::ConfigFileInterfaceThe interface for configuration files
 Cutil::ConfigReaderSimple configuration file reader
 Cutil::config::ConfigValueRepresents the config values for Json/Yaml config
 Cutil::config::ConstraintAn interface to enforce constraints on certain values within ClioConfigDefinition
 Cdata::cassandra::impl::Settings::ContactPointsRepresents the configuration of contact points for cassandra
 Crpc::ContextContext of an RPC call
 Cutil::CoroutineGroupCoroutineGroup is a helper class to manage a group of coroutines. It allows to spawn multiple coroutines and wait for all of them to finish
 Cetl::CorruptionDetector< CacheType >A helper to notify Clio operator about a corruption in the DB
 Cutil::prometheus::impl::CounterImpl< NumberType >
 Crpc::CountersHolds information about successful, failed, forwarded, etc. RPC handler calls
 Crpc::modifiers::CustomModifierCustomised modifier allowing user define how to modify input in provided callable
 Crpc::validation::CustomValidatorA meta-validator that allows to specify a custom validation function
 Crpc::validation::CustomValidatorsA group of custom validation functions
 Cdata::cassandra::impl::DefaultExecutionStrategy< HandleType, BackendCountersType >Implements async and sync querying against the cassandra DB with support for throttling
 Crpc::impl::DefaultProcessor< HandlerType >
 Crpc::DepositAuthorizedHandlerHandles the deposit_authorized command
 Crpc::check::Deprecated< T >Check for a deprecated fields
 Crpc::check::Deprecated< T >Check if a value of a field is deprecated
 Crpc::check::Deprecated<>Check if a field is deprecated
 Capp::DisconnectHookA function object to be called when a connection is disconnected
 Crpc::validation::EqualTo< Type >Validates that the value is equal to the one passed in
 Cutil::config::ErrorDisplays the different errors when parsing user config
 Cweb::impl::ErrorHelperA helper that attempts to match rippled reporting mode HTTP errors as close as possible
 Cweb::ng::impl::ErrorHelperA helper that attempts to match rippled reporting mode HTTP errors as close as possible
 Cetl::ETLServiceTagA tag class to help identify ETLService in templated code
 Cetl::ETLStateThis class is responsible for fetching and storing the state of the ETL information, such as the network id
 Cutil::async::ExecutionErrorError channel type for async operation of any ExecutionContext
 Capp::CliArgs::Action::ExitExit action
 Cdata::cassandra::impl::ExponentialBackoffRetryPolicyA retry policy that employs exponential backoff
 Cetl::impl::ExtractionDataPipe< RawDataType >A collection of thread safe async queues used by Extractor and Transformer to communicate
 Cetl::impl::Extractor< DataPipeType, LedgerFetcherType >Extractor thread that is fetching GRPC data and enqueue it on the DataPipeType
 Cetlng::ExtractorInterfaceAn interface for the Extractor
 Crpc::FeatureHandler::Output::FeatureRepresents an amendment/feature
 Crpc::FeatureHandlerContains common functionality for handling the server_info command
 Crpc::FieldSpecRepresents a Specification for one field of an RPC command
 CFormattedTransactionsDataAccount transactions, NFT transactions and NFT data bundled togeher
 Crpc::impl::ForwardingProxy< LoadBalancerType, CountersType, HandlerProviderType >
 Crpc::impl::ForwardingProxy< LoadBalancerType, CountersType, rpc::HandlerProvider >
 Cmigration::cassandra::impl::FullTableScanner< TableAdapter >The full table scanner. It will split the full table scan into multiple ranges and read the data in given executor
 Cmigration::cassandra::impl::FullTableScannerAdapterBase< TableDesc >The base class for the full table scanner adapter. It is responsible for reading the rows from the full table scanner and call the callback when a row is read. With this base class, each table adapter can focus on the actual row data converting
 Cmigration::cassandra::impl::FullTableScannerAdapterBase< TableObjectsDesc >
 Cmigration::cassandra::impl::FullTableScannerAdapterBase< TableTransactionsDesc >
 Cmigration::cassandra::impl::FullTableScanner< TableAdapter >::FullTableScannerSettingsThe full table scanner settings
 Crpc::GatewayBalancesHandlerHandles the gateway_balances command
 Crpc::GetAggregatePriceHandlerThe get_aggregate_price method
 Cdata::cassandra::HandleRepresents a handle to the cassandra database cluster
 Crpc::HandlerProviderInterface for the provider of RPC handlers
 Capp::HealthCheckHandlerA function object that handles the health check endpoint
 Crpc::validation::Hex256ItemTypeValidates that the elements of the array is of type Hex256 uint
 Cutil::prometheus::impl::HistogramImpl< NumberType >
 Cutil::requests::HttpHeaderHTTP header
 Crpc::meta::IfType< Type >A meta-processor that specifies a list of requirements to run against when the type matches the template parameter
 Crpc::BaseServerInfoHandler< LoadBalancerType, ETLServiceType, CountersType >::InfoSectionA struct to hold the info section of the output
 Cetlng::InitialLoadObserverInterfaceThe interface for observing the initial ledger load
 Crpc::AccountChannelsHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::AccountCurrenciesHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::AccountInfoHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::AccountLinesHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::AccountNFTsHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::AccountObjectsHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::AccountOffersHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::AccountTxHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::AMMInfoHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::BaseServerInfoHandler< LoadBalancerType, ETLServiceType, CountersType >::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::BaseTxHandler< ETLServiceType >::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::BookChangesHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::BookOffersHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::DepositAuthorizedHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::FeatureHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::GatewayBalancesHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::GetAggregatePriceHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::LedgerDataHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::LedgerEntryHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::LedgerHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::LedgerIndexHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::MPTHoldersHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::NFTHistoryHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::NFTInfoHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::NFTOffersHandlerBase::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::NFTsByIssuerHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::NoRippleCheckHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::SubscribeHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::TransactionEntryHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Crpc::UnsubscribeHandler::InputA struct to hold the input data for the command
 Cweb::dosguard::IntervalSweepHandlerSweep handler clearing context every sweep interval from config
 Cdata::cassandra::impl::ResultExtractor< Types >::Iterator
 Crpc::JsonBoolA wrapper around bool that allows to convert from any JSON value
 Cutil::config::ClioConfigDescription::KVStruct to represent a key-value pair
 Cutil::prometheus::LabelClass representing a Prometheus label
 Cutil::prometheus::LabelsClass representing a collection of Prometheus labels
 Cdata::LedgerCacheCache for an entire ledger
 Cetlng::model::LedgerDataRepresents an entire ledger diff worth of transactions and objects
 Crpc::LedgerDataHandlerThe ledger_data method retrieves contents of the specified ledger. You can iterate through several calls to retrieve the entire contents of a single ledger version
 Crpc::LedgerEntryHandlerThe ledger_entry method returns a single ledger object from the XRP Ledger in its raw format
 Cetl::impl::LedgerFetcher< LoadBalancerType >GRPC Ledger data fetcher
 Cetl::LedgerFetcherInterfaceAn interface for LedgerFetcher
 Crpc::LedgerHandlerRetrieve information about the public ledger
 Crpc::LedgerIndexHandlerThe ledger_index method fetches the lastest closed ledger before the given date
 Cetl::impl::LedgerLoader< LoadBalancerType, LedgerFetcherType >Loads ledger data into the DB
 Cdata::LedgerObjectRepresents an object in the ledger
 Cdata::LedgerPageRepresents a page of LedgerObjects
 Cetl::impl::LedgerPublisher< CacheType >Publishes ledgers in a synchronized fashion
 Cetlng::LedgerPublisherInterfaceThe interface of a scheduler for the extraction proccess
 Cdata::LedgerRangeStores a range of sequences as a min and max pair
 Crpc::LedgerRangeHandlerThe ledger_range command returns the index number of the earliest and latest ledgers that the server has
 Cutil::LedgerTypesA helper class that provides lists of different ledger type catagory
 Cdata::cassandra::LimitA strong type wrapper for int32_t
 Crpc::AccountLinesHandler::LineResponseA struct to hold data for one line response
 Cetlng::LoadBalancerInterfaceAn interface for LoadBalancer
 Cetl::LoadBalancerTagA tag class to help identify LoadBalancer in templated code
 Cetlng::LoaderInterfaceAn interface for a ETL Loader
 Cutil::Lock< ProtectedDataType, LockType, MutexType >A lock on a mutex that provides access to the protected data
 Cutil::LoggerA simple thread-safe logger for the channel specified in the constructor
 Cutil::LogServiceA global logging service
 Cdata::cassandra::impl::ManagedObject< Managed >
 Cdata::cassandra::impl::ManagedObject< CassBatch >
 Cdata::cassandra::impl::ManagedObject< CassCluster >
 Cdata::cassandra::impl::ManagedObject< CassCollection >
 Cdata::cassandra::impl::ManagedObject< CassFuture >
 Cdata::cassandra::impl::ManagedObject< CassIterator >
 Cdata::cassandra::impl::ManagedObject< CassPrepared const >
 Cdata::cassandra::impl::ManagedObject< CassResult const >
 Cdata::cassandra::impl::ManagedObject< CassSession >
 Cdata::cassandra::impl::ManagedObject< CassSsl >
 Cdata::cassandra::impl::ManagedObject< CassStatement >
 Cdata::cassandra::impl::ManagedObject< CassTuple >
 Crpc::AccountTxHandler::MarkerA struct to hold the marker data
 Crpc::NFTHistoryHandler::MarkerA struct to hold the marker data
 Crpc::validation::Max< Type >Validate that value is not greater than max
 Cutil::prometheus::MetricBaseBase class for a Prometheus metric containing a name and labels
 Cutil::prometheus::MetricBuilderInterfaceInterface to create a metric
 Cutil::prometheus::MetricsFamilyClass representing a collection of Prometheus metric with the same name and type
 Capp::MetricsHandlerA function object that handles the metrics endpoint
 Capp::CliArgs::Action::MigrateMigration action
 Capp::MigrateSubCmdThe command to run for migration framework
 Capp::MigrateSubCmd::MigrationRun a migration
 Cmigration::MigrationInspectorInterfaceThe interface for the migration inspector.The Clio server application will use this interface to inspect the migration status
 Capp::MigratorApplicationThe migration application class
 Cmigration::impl::MigratorsRegister< Backend, MigratorType >The register of migrators. It will dispatch the migration to the corresponding migrator. It also hold the shared pointer of backend, which is used by the migrators
 Cmigration::MigratorStatusThe status of a migrator, it provides the helper functions to convert the status to string and vice versa
 Crpc::validation::Min< Type >Validate that value is equal or greater than the specified min
 Cutil::MoveTrackerA base-class that can be used to check whether the current instance was moved from
 CMPTHolderDataRepresents an MPT and holder pair
 Cdata::MPTHoldersAndCursorRepresents an array of MPTokens
 Crpc::MPTHoldersHandlerThe mpt_holders command asks the Clio server for all holders of a particular MPTokenIssuance
 Cutil::Mutex< ProtectedDataType, MutexType >A container for data that is protected by a mutex. Inspired by Mutex in Rust
 Cutil::Mutex< bool >
 Cutil::Mutex< ConnectionsMap >
 Cutil::Mutex< OneTimeCallable >
 Cutil::Mutex< OptionalFuture >
 Cutil::Mutex< SignalsMap >
 Cutil::Mutex< State >
 Cutil::Mutex< std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point >
 Cutil::Mutex< ValidatedLedgersData >
 Cetl::NetworkValidatedLedgersInterfaceAn interface for NetworkValidatedLedgers
 Cdata::NFTRepresents a NFToken
 Crpc::NFTHistoryHandlerThe nft_history command asks the Clio server for past transaction metadata for the NFT being queried
 Crpc::NFTInfoHandlerThe nft_info command asks the Clio server for information about the NFT being queried
 Crpc::NFTOffersHandlerBaseContains common functionality for handling the nft_offers command
 Cdata::NFTsAndCursorRepresents a bundle of NFTs with a cursor to the next page
 Crpc::NFTsByIssuerHandlerHandler for the nfts_by_issuer command
 CNFTsDataRepresents an NFT state at a particular ledger
 CNFTTransactionsDataRepresents a link from a tx to an NFT that was targeted/modified/created by it
 Crpc::NoRippleCheckHandlerHandles the noripple_check command
 Crpc::validation::NotSupported< T >A validator that forbids a field to be present
 Crpc::validation::NotSupported< T >A specialized NotSupported validator that forbids a field to be present when the value equals the given value
 Crpc::validation::NotSupported<>A specialized NotSupported validator that forbids a field to be present
 Cutil::impl::NullTagGeneratorA null tag generator - does nothing
 Cutil::config::NullTypeA type that represents a null value
 Cetlng::model::ObjectRepresents a single object on the ledger
 Cutil::config::ObjectViewProvides a view into a subset of configuration data defined by a prefix
 Crpc::AccountOffersHandler::OfferA struct to hold data for one offer response
 Capp::OnConnectCheckA function object that checks if the connection is allowed to proceed
 Crpc::validation::OneOf< Type >Validates that the value is one of the values passed in
 Crpc::GetAggregatePriceHandler::OracleA struct to hold the input oracle data
 Crpc::SubscribeHandler::OrderBookA struct to hold the data for one order book
 Crpc::UnsubscribeHandler::OrderBookA struct to hold one order book
 Cutil::prometheus::OStreamA stream that can optionally compress its data
 Crpc::AccountChannelsHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::AccountCurrenciesHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::AccountInfoHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::AccountLinesHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::AccountNFTsHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::AccountObjectsHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::AccountOffersHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::AccountTxHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::AMMInfoHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::BaseServerInfoHandler< LoadBalancerType, ETLServiceType, CountersType >::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::BaseTxHandler< ETLServiceType >::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::BookChangesHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::BookOffersHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::DepositAuthorizedHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::FeatureHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::GatewayBalancesHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::GetAggregatePriceHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::LedgerDataHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::LedgerEntryHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::LedgerHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::LedgerIndexHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::LedgerRangeHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::MPTHoldersHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::NFTHistoryHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::NFTInfoHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::NFTOffersHandlerBase::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::NFTsByIssuerHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::NoRippleCheckHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::RandomHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::SubscribeHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::TransactionEntryHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::VersionHandler::OutputA struct to hold the output data of the command
 Crpc::PingHandlerThe ping command returns an acknowledgement, so that clients can test the connection status and latency
 Cutil::requests::impl::PlainStreamData< StreamType >
 Cutil::prometheus::PrometheusInterfaceInterface for prometheus (
 CPrometheusServiceSingleton class to access the PrometheusInterface
 Cfeed::impl::ProposedTransactionFeedFeed that publishes the Proposed Transactions
 Cutil::RandomRandom number generator
 Crpc::RandomHandlerThe random command provides a random number to be used as a source of entropy for random number generation by clients
 Cetlng::RegistryInterfaceThe interface for a registry that can dispatch transactions and objects to extensions
 Cutil::RepeatA class to repeat some action at a regular interval
 Cweb::ng::RequestRepresents an HTTP or WebSocket request
 Cutil::requests::RequestBuilderBuilder for HTTP requests
 Cutil::requests::RequestErrorError type for HTTP requests
 Capp::RequestHandler< RpcHandlerType >A function object that handles the websocket endpoint
 Crpc::validation::RequiredA validator that simply requires a field to be present
 Cweb::ResolverSimple hostnames to IP addresses resolver
 Cweb::ng::ResponseRepresents an HTTP or Websocket response
 Cutil::ResponseExpirationCacheCache of requests' responses with TTL support and configurable cachable commands
 Crpc::ResultResult type used to return responses or error statuses to the Webserver subsystem
 Cdata::cassandra::impl::ResultExtractor< Types >
 Cutil::RetryA retry mechanism
 Cutil::RetryStrategyInterface for retry strategies
 Crpc::ReturnTypeThe final return type out of RPC engine
 Crpc::RPCEngine< LoadBalancerType, CountersType >The RPC engine that ties all RPC-related functionality together
 Cweb::ng::RPCServerHandler< RPCEngineType, ETLType >The server handler for RPC requests called by web server
 Cweb::RPCServerHandler< RPCEngineType, ETLType >The server handler for RPC requests called by web server
 Crpc::RpcSpecRepresents a Specification of an entire RPC command
 Capp::CliArgs::Action::RunRun action
 Cetlng::SchedulerInterfaceThe interface of a scheduler for the extraction proccess
 Cdata::cassandra::Schema< SettingsProviderType >Manages the DB schema and provides access to prepared statements
 Crpc::meta::SectionA meta-processor that acts as a spec for a sub-object/section
 Cdata::cassandra::impl::Settings::SecureConnectionBundleRepresents the configuration of a secure connection bundle
 Cdata::cassandra::impl::ResultExtractor< Types >::Sentinel
 Cweb::ng::ServerTagA tag class for server to help identify Server in templated code
 Cdata::cassandra::impl::SettingsBundles all cassandra settings in one place
 Cdata::cassandra::SettingsProviderProvides settings for BasicCassandraBackend
 Cutil::SignalsHandlerClass handling signals
 Cfeed::impl::SingleFeedBaseBase class for single feed
 Cetl::SourceBaseProvides an implementation of a ETL source
 Cutil::SourceLocationA class representing the source location of the current code
 Cetlng::model::Spec< Types >A specification for the Registry
 Cutil::requests::impl::SslStreamData< StreamType >
 Cutil::async::impl::BasicScheduledOperation< CtxType, OpType >::State
 Cdata::cassandra::Schema< SettingsProviderType >::StatementsPrepared statements holder
 Crpc::GetAggregatePriceHandler::StatsA struct to hold the statistics
 Capp::MigrateSubCmd::StatusCheck the status of the migrations
 Crpc::StatusA status returned from any RPC handler
 Cutil::async::impl::SteadyTimer< ExecutorType >
 Cutil::StopHelperHelper class to stop a class asynchronously
 Capp::StopperApplication stopper class. On stop it will create a new thread to run all the shutdown tasks
 Cutil::StrandedPriorityQueue< T, Compare >A wrapper for std::priority_queue that serialises operations using a strand
 Crpc::SubscribeHandlerContains functionality for handling the subscribe command. The subscribe method requests periodic notifications from the server when certain events happen
 Cfeed::SubscriptionManagerInterfaceInterface of subscription manager. A subscription manager is responsible for managing the subscriptions and publishing the feeds
 Cetl::impl::SubscriptionSourceThis class is used to subscribe to a source of ledger data and forward it to the subscription manager
 Cutil::async::SystemExecutionContextA execution context that runs tasks on a system thread pool of 1 thread
 Cetl::SystemStateRepresents the state of the ETL subsystem
 Cmigration::cassandra::impl::TableObjectsDescThe description of the objects table. It has to be a TableSpec
 Cmigration::cassandra::impl::TableTransactionsDescThe description of the transactions table. It has to be a TableSpec
 Cutil::TagDecoratorFactoryA factory for TagDecorator instantiation
 Cutil::TaggableA base class that allows attaching a tag decorator to a subclass
 Cetlng::model::TaskRepresents a task for the extractors
 Cdata::cassandra::TextA strong type wrapper for string
 Cetl::ThreadSafeQueue< T >Generic thread-safe queue with a max capacity
 Cetl::ThreadSafeQueue< etl::impl::CursorPair >
 Cetl::ThreadSafeQueue< migration::cassandra::impl::TokenRange >
 Crpc::validation::TimeFormatValidatorValidate that value can be converted to time according to the given format
 Cutil::impl::Tokenizer< KeyType, Separator >Simple string tokenizer. Used by Config
 Cmigration::cassandra::impl::TokenRangeThe token range used to split the full table scan into multiple ranges
 Crpc::modifiers::ToLowerConvert input string to lower case
 Crpc::modifiers::ToNumberConvert input string to integer
 Cfeed::impl::TrackableSignal< Session, Args >A thread-safe class to manage a signal and its tracking connections
 Cfeed::impl::TrackableSignal< web::SubscriptionContextInterface, AllVersionTransactionsType const & >
 Cfeed::impl::TrackableSignal< web::SubscriptionContextInterface, std::shared_ptr< std::string > >
 Cfeed::impl::TrackableSignal< web::SubscriptionContextInterface, std::shared_ptr< std::string > const & >
 Cfeed::impl::TrackableSignalMap< Key, Session, Args >Class to manage a map of key and its associative signal
 Cfeed::impl::TrackableSignalMap< ripple::AccountID, web::SubscriptionContextInterface, AllVersionTransactionsType const & >
 Cfeed::impl::TrackableSignalMap< ripple::AccountID, web::SubscriptionContextInterface, std::shared_ptr< std::string > >
 Cfeed::impl::TrackableSignalMap< ripple::Book, web::SubscriptionContextInterface, AllVersionTransactionsType const & >
 Cetlng::model::TransactionRepresents a single transaction on the ledger
 Cdata::TransactionAndMetadataRepresents a transaction and its metadata bundled together
 Crpc::TransactionEntryHandlerThe transaction_entry method retrieves information on a single transaction from a specific ledger version
 Cdata::TransactionsAndCursorRepresests a bundle of transactions with metadata and a cursor to the next page
 Cdata::TransactionsCursorRepresents a cursor into the transactions table
 Cetl::impl::Transformer< DataPipeType, LedgerLoaderType, LedgerPublisherType, AmendmentBlockHandlerType >Transformer thread that prepares new ledger out of raw data from GRPC
 Crpc::validation::Type< Types >Validates that the type of the value is one of the given types
 Cutil::impl::UIntTagGeneratorThis strategy uses an atomic_uint64_t to remain lock free
 Crpc::UnsubscribeHandlerHandles the unsubscribe command which is used to disconnect a subscriber from a feed. The unsubscribe command tells the server to stop sending messages for a particular subscription or set of subscriptions
 Cutil::impl::UUIDTagGeneratorThis strategy uses boost::uuids::uuid with a static random generator and a mutex
 Crpc::meta::ValidateArrayAtA meta-processor that specifies a list of specs to run against the object at the given index in the array
 Crpc::BaseServerInfoHandler< LoadBalancerType, ETLServiceType, CountersType >::ValidatedLedgerSectionA struct to hold the validated ledger section of the output
 Cutil::config::ValueViewProvides view into ConfigValues that represents values in Clio Config
 Capp::CliArgs::Action::VerifyConfigVerify Config action
 Crpc::VersionHandlerThe version command returns the min,max and current api Version we are using
 Crpc::VoidOutputAn empty type used as Output for handlers than don't actually produce output
 Crpc::check::WarningWarning that checks can return
 Crpc::WarningInfoHolds information about a clio warning
 Cweb::dosguard::WhitelistA whitelist to remove rate limits of certain IP addresses
 Cweb::dosguard::WhitelistHandlerInterfaceInterface for a whitelist handler
 Crpc::meta::WithCustomError< RequirementOrModifierType >A meta-processor that wraps a validator and produces a custom error in case the wrapped validator fails
 Crpc::WorkQueueAn asynchronous, thread-safe queue for RPC requests
 Cutil::requests::WsConnectionInterface for WebSocket connections. It is used to hide SSL and plain connections behind the same interface
 Cutil::requests::WsConnectionBuilderBuilder for WebSocket connections