Clio develop
The XRP Ledger API server.
►Napp | |
►CCliArgs | Parsed command line arguments representation |
►CAction | An action parsed from the command line |
CExit | Exit action |
CMigrate | Migration action |
CRun | Run action |
CVerifyConfig | Verify Config action |
CClioApplication | The main application class |
CDisconnectHook | A function object to be called when a connection is disconnected |
CHealthCheckHandler | A function object that handles the health check endpoint |
CMetricsHandler | A function object that handles the metrics endpoint |
►CMigrateSubCmd | The command to run for migration framework |
CMigration | Run a migration |
CStatus | Check the status of the migrations |
CMigratorApplication | The migration application class |
COnConnectCheck | A function object that checks if the connection is allowed to proceed |
CRequestHandler | A function object that handles the websocket endpoint |
CStopper | Application stopper class. On stop it will create a new thread to run all the shutdown tasks |
►Ndata | This namespace implements the data access layer and related components |
►Ncassandra | This namespace implements a wrapper for the Cassandra C++ driver |
►Nimpl | |
CAsyncExecutor | A query executor with a changable retry policy |
CBatch | |
CCluster | |
CCollection | |
CDefaultExecutionStrategy | Implements async and sync querying against the cassandra DB with support for throttling |
CExponentialBackoffRetryPolicy | A retry policy that employs exponential backoff |
CFuture | |
CFutureWithCallback | |
CManagedObject | |
CPreparedStatement | Represents a prepared statement on the DB side |
CResult | |
►CResultExtractor | |
CIterator | |
CSentinel | |
CResultIterator | |
CSession | |
►CSettings | Bundles all cassandra settings in one place |
CContactPoints | Represents the configuration of contact points for cassandra |
CSecureConnectionBundle | Represents the configuration of a secure connection bundle |
CSslContext | |
CStatement | |
CTuple | |
CTupleIterator | |
CBasicCassandraBackend | Implements BackendInterface for Cassandra/ScyllaDB |
CCassandraError | A simple container for both error message and error code |
CHandle | Represents a handle to the cassandra database cluster |
CLimit | A strong type wrapper for int32_t |
►CSchema | Manages the DB schema and provides access to prepared statements |
CStatements | Prepared statements holder |
CSettingsProvider | Provides settings for BasicCassandraBackend |
CText | A strong type wrapper for string |
►Nimpl | |
CWritingAmendmentKey | |
CAmendment | Represents an amendment in the XRPL |
CAmendmentCenter | Knowledge center for amendments within XRPL |
CAmendmentCenterInterface | The interface of an amendment center |
CAmendmentKey | A helper for amendment name to feature conversions |
CAmendments | List of supported amendments |
CBackendCounters | Holds statistics about the backend |
CBackendInterface | The interface to the database used by Clio |
CBookOffersPage | Represents a page of book offer objects |
CDatabaseTimeout | Represents a database timeout error |
CLedgerCache | Cache for an entire ledger |
CLedgerObject | Represents an object in the ledger |
CLedgerPage | Represents a page of LedgerObjects |
CLedgerRange | Stores a range of sequences as a min and max pair |
CMPTHoldersAndCursor | Represents an array of MPTokens |
CNFT | Represents a NFToken |
CNFTsAndCursor | Represents a bundle of NFTs with a cursor to the next page |
CTransactionAndMetadata | Represents a transaction and its metadata bundled together |
CTransactionsAndCursor | Represests a bundle of transactions with metadata and a cursor to the next page |
CTransactionsCursor | Represents a cursor into the transactions table |
►Netl | This namespace contains everything to do with the ETL and ETL sources |
►Nimpl | |
CAmendmentBlockHandler | |
CAsyncCallData | |
CBaseCursorProvider | |
CCacheLoaderImpl | |
CCursorFromAccountProvider | |
CCursorFromDiffProvider | |
CCursorFromFixDiffNumProvider | |
CCursorPair | |
CExtractionDataPipe | A collection of thread safe async queues used by Extractor and Transformer to communicate |
CExtractor | Extractor thread that is fetching GRPC data and enqueue it on the DataPipeType |
CForwardingSource | |
CGrpcSource | |
CLedgerFetcher | GRPC Ledger data fetcher |
CLedgerLoader | Loads ledger data into the DB |
CLedgerPublisher | Publishes ledgers in a synchronized fashion |
CSourceImpl | Provides an implementation of a ETL source |
CSubscriptionSource | This class is used to subscribe to a source of ledger data and forward it to the subscription manager |
CTransformer | Transformer thread that prepares new ledger out of raw data from GRPC |
CCacheLoader | Cache loading interface |
CCacheLoaderSettings | Settings for the cache loader |
CCorruptionDetector | A helper to notify Clio operator about a corruption in the DB |
CETLService | This class is responsible for continuously extracting data from a p2p node, and writing that data to the databases |
CETLServiceTag | A tag class to help identify ETLService in templated code |
CETLState | This class is responsible for fetching and storing the state of the ETL information, such as the network id |
CLedgerFetcherInterface | An interface for LedgerFetcher |
CLoadBalancer | This class is used to manage connections to transaction processing processes |
CLoadBalancerTag | A tag class to help identify LoadBalancer in templated code |
CNetworkValidatedLedgers | This datastructure is used to keep track of the sequence of the most recent ledger validated by the network |
CNetworkValidatedLedgersInterface | An interface for NetworkValidatedLedgers |
CSourceBase | Provides an implementation of a ETL source |
CSystemState | Represents the state of the ETL subsystem |
CThreadSafeQueue | Generic thread-safe queue with a max capacity |
►Netlng | |
►Nimpl | |
CAmendmentBlockHandler | |
CAsyncGrpcCall | |
CBackfillScheduler | |
CExtractor | |
CForwardScheduler | |
CGrpcSource | |
CLoader | |
CRegistry | |
CSchedulerChain | |
►CTaskManager | |
CSettings | |
►Nmodel | |
CBookSuccessor | Represents a book successor |
CLedgerData | Represents an entire ledger diff worth of transactions and objects |
CObject | Represents a single object on the ledger |
CSpec | A specification for the Registry |
CTask | Represents a task for the extractors |
CTransaction | Represents a single transaction on the ledger |
CAmendmentBlockHandlerInterface | The interface of a handler for amendment blocking |
CExtractorInterface | An interface for the Extractor |
CInitialLoadObserverInterface | The interface for observing the initial ledger load |
CLedgerPublisherInterface | The interface of a scheduler for the extraction proccess |
CLoadBalancerInterface | An interface for LoadBalancer |
CLoaderInterface | An interface for a ETL Loader |
CRegistryInterface | The interface for a registry that can dispatch transactions and objects to extensions |
CSchedulerInterface | The interface of a scheduler for the extraction proccess |
►Nfeed | This namespace implements everything related to subscriptions |
►Nimpl | |
CBookChangesFeed | Feed that publishes book changes. This feed will be published every ledger, even if there are no changes. Example : {'type': 'bookChanges', 'ledger_index': 2647936, 'ledger_hash': '0A5010342D8AAFABDCA58A68F6F588E1C6E58C21B63ED6CA8DB2478F58F3ECD5', 'ledger_time': 756395682, 'changes': []} |
CForwardFeed | Feed that publishes the json object as it is |
CLedgerFeed | Feed that publishes the ledger info. Example : {'type': 'ledgerClosed', 'ledger_index': 2647935, 'ledger_hash': '5D022718CD782A82EE10D2147FD90B5F42F26A7E937C870B4FE3CF1086C916AE', 'ledger_time': 756395681, 'fee_base': 10, 'reserve_base': 10000000, 'reserve_inc': 2000000, 'validated_ledgers': '2619127-2647935', 'txn_count': 0} |
CProposedTransactionFeed | Feed that publishes the Proposed Transactions |
CSingleFeedBase | Base class for single feed |
CTrackableSignal | A thread-safe class to manage a signal and its tracking connections |
CTrackableSignalMap | Class to manage a map of key and its associative signal |
CTransactionFeed | |
CSubscriptionManager | A subscription manager is responsible for managing the subscriptions and publishing the feeds |
CSubscriptionManagerInterface | Interface of subscription manager. A subscription manager is responsible for managing the subscriptions and publishing the feeds |
►Nmigration | |
►Ncassandra | |
►Nimpl | |
CCassandraMigrationSchema | The schema for the migration process. It contains the prepared statements only used for the migration process |
►CFullTableScanner | The full table scanner. It will split the full table scan into multiple ranges and read the data in given executor |
CFullTableScannerSettings | The full table scanner settings |
CFullTableScannerAdapterBase | The base class for the full table scanner adapter. It is responsible for reading the rows from the full table scanner and call the callback when a row is read. With this base class, each table adapter can focus on the actual row data converting |
CObjectsAdapter | The adapter for the objects table. This class is responsible for reading the objects from the FullTableScanner and converting the blobs to the STObject |
CTableObjectsDesc | The description of the objects table. It has to be a TableSpec |
CTableTransactionsDesc | The description of the transactions table. It has to be a TableSpec |
CTokenRange | The token range used to split the full table scan into multiple ranges |
CTransactionsAdapter | The adapter for the transactions table. This class is responsible for reading the transactions from the FullTableScanner and converting the blobs to the STTx and TxMeta |
CCassandraMigrationBackend | The backend for the migration. It is a subclass of the CassandraBackend and provides the migration specific functionalities |
►Nimpl | |
CMigrationInspectorBase | The migration inspector implementation for Cassandra. It will report the migration status for Cassandra database |
CMigrationManagerBase | The migration manager implementation for Cassandra. It will run the migration for the Cassandra database |
CMigratorsRegister | The register of migrators. It will dispatch the migration to the corresponding migrator. It also hold the shared pointer of backend, which is used by the migrators |
CMigrationInspectorInterface | The interface for the migration inspector.The Clio server application will use this interface to inspect the migration status |
CMigrationManagerInterface | The interface for the migration manager. The migration application layer will use this interface to run the migrations. Unlike the MigrationInspectorInterface which only provides the status of migration, this interface contains the acutal migration running method |
CMigratorStatus | The status of a migrator, it provides the helper functions to convert the status to string and vice versa |
►Nrpc | This namespace contains all the RPC logic and handlers |
►Ncheck | |
CDeprecated | Check for a deprecated fields |
CDeprecated< T > | Check if a value of a field is deprecated |
CDeprecated<> | Check if a field is deprecated |
CWarning | Warning that checks can return |
►Nimpl | |
CDefaultProcessor | |
CForwardingProxy | |
CProductionAPIVersionParser | |
CProductionHandlerProvider | |
►Nmeta | |
CIfType | A meta-processor that specifies a list of requirements to run against when the type matches the template parameter |
CSection | A meta-processor that acts as a spec for a sub-object/section |
CValidateArrayAt | A meta-processor that specifies a list of specs to run against the object at the given index in the array |
CWithCustomError | A meta-processor that wraps a validator and produces a custom error in case the wrapped validator fails |
►Nmodifiers | |
CClamp | Clamp value between min and max |
CCustomModifier | Customised modifier allowing user define how to modify input in provided callable |
CToLower | Convert input string to lower case |
CToNumber | Convert input string to integer |
►Nvalidation | |
CBetween | Validate that value is between specified min and max |
CCustomValidator | A meta-validator that allows to specify a custom validation function |
CCustomValidators | A group of custom validation functions |
CEqualTo | Validates that the value is equal to the one passed in |
CHex256ItemType | Validates that the elements of the array is of type Hex256 uint |
CMax | Validate that value is not greater than max |
CMin | Validate that value is equal or greater than the specified min |
CNotSupported | A validator that forbids a field to be present |
CNotSupported< T > | A specialized NotSupported validator that forbids a field to be present when the value equals the given value |
CNotSupported<> | A specialized NotSupported validator that forbids a field to be present |
COneOf | Validates that the value is one of the values passed in |
CRequired | A validator that simply requires a field to be present |
CTimeFormatValidator | Validate that value can be converted to time according to the given format |
CType | Validates that the type of the value is one of the given types |
►CAccountChannelsHandler | The account_channels method returns information about an account's Payment Channels. This includes only channels where the specified account is the channel's source, not the destination. All information retrieved is relative to a particular version of the ledger |
CChannelResponse | A struct to hold data for one channel response |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
►CAccountCurrenciesHandler | The account_currencies command retrieves a list of currencies that an account can send or receive, based on its trust lines |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
CAccountCursor | A cursor object used to traverse nodes owned by an account |
►CAccountInfoHandler | The account_info command retrieves information about an account, its activity, and its XRP balance |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
►CAccountLinesHandler | The account_lines method returns information about an account's trust lines, which contain balances in all non-XRP currencies and assets |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
CLineResponse | A struct to hold data for one line response |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
►CAccountNFTsHandler | The account_nfts method returns a list of NFToken objects for the specified account |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
CAccountNotFoundError | Account not found error |
►CAccountObjectsHandler | The account_objects command returns the raw ledger format for all objects owned by an account. The results can be filtered by the type. The valid types are: check, deposit_preauth, escrow, nft_offer, offer, payment_channel, signer_list, state (trust line), did and ticket |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
►CAccountOffersHandler | The account_offers method retrieves a list of offers made by a given account |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COffer | A struct to hold data for one offer response |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
►CAccountTxHandler | The account_tx method retrieves a list of transactions that involved the specified account |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
CMarker | A struct to hold the marker data |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
►CAMMInfoHandler | AMMInfoHandler returns information about AMM pools |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
CAnyHandler | A type-erased Handler that can contain any (NextGen) RPC handler class |
CAPIVersionParser | A baseclass for API version helper |
►CBaseServerInfoHandler | Contains common functionality for handling the server_info command |
CAdminSection | A struct to hold the admin section of the output |
CCacheSection | A struct to hold the cache section of the output |
CInfoSection | A struct to hold the info section of the output |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
CValidatedLedgerSection | A struct to hold the validated ledger section of the output |
►CBaseTxHandler | Contains common functionality for handling the tx command |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
CBookChange | Represents an entry in the book_changes' changes array |
CBookChanges | Encapsulates the book_changes computations and transformations |
►CBookChangesHandler | BookChangesHandler returns the order book changes for a given ledger |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
►CBookOffersHandler | The book_offers method retrieves a list of Offers between two currencies, also known as an order book |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
CClioErrorInfo | Holds info about a particular ClioError |
CContext | Context of an RPC call |
CCounters | Holds information about successful, failed, forwarded, etc. RPC handler calls |
►CDepositAuthorizedHandler | Handles the deposit_authorized command |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
►CFeatureHandler | Contains common functionality for handling the server_info command |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
►COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
CFeature | Represents an amendment/feature |
CFieldSpec | Represents a Specification for one field of an RPC command |
►CGatewayBalancesHandler | Handles the gateway_balances command |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
►CGetAggregatePriceHandler | The get_aggregate_price method |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COracle | A struct to hold the input oracle data |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
CStats | A struct to hold the statistics |
CHandlerProvider | Interface for the provider of RPC handlers |
CInvalidParamsError | Invalid parameters error |
CJsonBool | A wrapper around bool that allows to convert from any JSON value |
►CLedgerDataHandler | The ledger_data method retrieves contents of the specified ledger. You can iterate through several calls to retrieve the entire contents of a single ledger version |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
►CLedgerEntryHandler | The ledger_entry method returns a single ledger object from the XRP Ledger in its raw format |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
►CLedgerHandler | Retrieve information about the public ledger |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
►CLedgerIndexHandler | The ledger_index method fetches the lastest closed ledger before the given date |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
►CLedgerRangeHandler | The ledger_range command returns the index number of the earliest and latest ledgers that the server has |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
►CMPTHoldersHandler | The mpt_holders command asks the Clio server for all holders of a particular MPTokenIssuance |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
CNFTBuyOffersHandler | The nft_buy_offers method returns a list of buy offers for a given NFToken object |
►CNFTHistoryHandler | The nft_history command asks the Clio server for past transaction metadata for the NFT being queried |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
CMarker | A struct to hold the marker data |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
►CNFTInfoHandler | The nft_info command asks the Clio server for information about the NFT being queried |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
►CNFTOffersHandlerBase | Contains common functionality for handling the nft_offers command |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
►CNFTsByIssuerHandler | Handler for the nfts_by_issuer command |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
CNFTSellOffersHandler | The nft_sell_offers method returns a list of sell offers for a given NFToken object |
►CNoRippleCheckHandler | Handles the noripple_check command |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
CPingHandler | The ping command returns an acknowledgement, so that clients can test the connection status and latency |
►CRandomHandler | The random command provides a random number to be used as a source of entropy for random number generation by clients |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
CResult | Result type used to return responses or error statuses to the Webserver subsystem |
CReturnType | The final return type out of RPC engine |
CRPCEngine | The RPC engine that ties all RPC-related functionality together |
CRpcSpec | Represents a Specification of an entire RPC command |
CStatus | A status returned from any RPC handler |
►CSubscribeHandler | Contains functionality for handling the subscribe command. The subscribe method requests periodic notifications from the server when certain events happen |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COrderBook | A struct to hold the data for one order book |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
►CTransactionEntryHandler | The transaction_entry method retrieves information on a single transaction from a specific ledger version |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
►CUnsubscribeHandler | Handles the unsubscribe command which is used to disconnect a subscriber from a feed. The unsubscribe command tells the server to stop sending messages for a particular subscription or set of subscriptions |
CInput | A struct to hold the input data for the command |
COrderBook | A struct to hold one order book |
►CVersionHandler | The version command returns the min,max and current api Version we are using |
COutput | A struct to hold the output data of the command |
CVoidOutput | An empty type used as Output for handlers than don't actually produce output |
CWarningInfo | Holds information about a clio warning |
CWorkQueue | An asynchronous, thread-safe queue for RPC requests |
►Nutil | This namespace contains various utilities |
►Nasync | This namespace implements an async framework built on top of execution contexts |
►Nimpl | |
CAsioPoolContext | |
CAsioPoolStrandContext | |
CAssociatedExecutorExtractor | |
CBasicOperation | |
CBasicOutcome | Base for all promise side of async operations |
►CBasicScheduledOperation | |
CState | |
►CBasicStopSource | |
CToken | |
CBasicStrand | |
CDefaultErrorHandler | |
CErasedOperation | |
CNoErrorHandler | |
CPostDispatchStrategy | |
►CSameThreadContext | |
CExecutor | |
►CStrand | |
CExecutor | |
CTimer | |
CTimer | |
CSelfContextProvider | |
CSpawnDispatchStrategy | |
CSteadyTimer | |
CStopState | |
CSyncDispatchStrategy | |
CSystemContextProvider | |
►CYieldContextStopSource | |
CToken | |
CAnyExecutionContext | A type-erased execution context |
CAnyOperation | A type-erased operation that can be executed via AnyExecutionContext |
CAnyStopToken | A type-erased stop token |
CAnyStrand | A type-erased execution context |
CBasicExecutionContext | A highly configurable execution context |
CExecutionError | Error channel type for async operation of any ExecutionContext |
COutcome | Unstoppable outcome |
CRepeatingOperation | The future side of async operations that automatically repeat until aborted |
CStoppableOperation | The future side of async operations that can be stopped |
CStoppableOutcome | Stoppable outcome |
CSystemExecutionContext | A execution context that runs tasks on a system thread pool of 1 thread |
►Nconfig | |
CArray | Array definition to store multiple values provided by the user from Json/Yaml |
►CArrayView | View for array structure for config |
CArrayIterator | Custom iterator class which contains config object or value underneath ArrayView |
CClioConfigDefinition | All the config data will be stored and extracted from this class |
►CClioConfigDescription | All the config description are stored and extracted from this class |
CKV | Struct to represent a key-value pair |
CConfigFileInterface | The interface for configuration files |
CConfigFileJson | Json representation of config |
CConfigFileYaml | Yaml representation of config |
CConfigValue | Represents the config values for Json/Yaml config |
CConstraint | An interface to enforce constraints on certain values within ClioConfigDefinition |
CError | Displays the different errors when parsing user config |
CNullType | A type that represents a null value |
CNumberValueConstraint | A constraint class to ensure an integer value is between two numbers (inclusive) |
CObjectView | Provides a view into a subset of configuration data defined by a prefix |
COneOf | A constraint class to ensure the provided value is one of the specified values in an array |
CPortConstraint | A constraint to ensure the port number is within a valid range |
CPositiveDouble | A constraint to ensure a double number is positive |
CValidIPConstraint | A constraint to ensure the IP address is valid |
CValueView | Provides view into ConfigValues that represents values in Clio Config |
►Nimpl | |
CKeyException | Thrown when a KeyPath related error occurs |
CLedgerTypeAttribute | |
CNullTagGenerator | A null tag generator - does nothing |
CStoreException | Thrown when a Store (config's storage) related error occurs |
CTokenizer | Simple string tokenizer. Used by Config |
CUIntTagGenerator | This strategy uses an atomic_uint64_t to remain lock free |
CUUIDTagGenerator | This strategy uses boost::uuids::uuid with a static random generator and a mutex |
►Nprometheus | |
►Nimpl | |
►CAnyCounterBase | |
CConcept | |
CModel | |
CCounterImpl | |
CHistogramImpl | |
CAnyBool | A wrapped to provide bool interface for a Prometheus metric |
CAnyCounter | A prometheus counter metric implementation. It can only be increased or be reset to zero |
CAnyGauge | A prometheus gauge metric implementation. It can be increased, decreased or set to a value |
CAnyHistogram | A Prometheus histogram metric with a generic value type |
CLabel | Class representing a Prometheus label |
CLabels | Class representing a collection of Prometheus labels |
CMetricBase | Base class for a Prometheus metric containing a name and labels |
CMetricBuilder | Implementation for building a metric |
CMetricBuilderInterface | Interface to create a metric |
CMetricsFamily | Class representing a collection of Prometheus metric with the same name and type |
COStream | A stream that can optionally compress its data |
CPrometheusImpl | Implemetation of PrometheusInterface |
CPrometheusInterface | Interface for prometheus ( |
►Nrequests | |
►Nimpl | |
CPlainStreamData | |
CSslStreamData | |
CWsConnectionImpl | |
CHttpHeader | HTTP header |
CRequestBuilder | Builder for HTTP requests |
CRequestError | Error type for HTTP requests |
CWsConnection | Interface for WebSocket connections. It is used to hide SSL and plain connections behind the same interface |
CWsConnectionBuilder | Builder for WebSocket connections |
CAtomic | Atomic wrapper for integral and floating point types |
CBaseTagDecorator | Represents any tag decorator |
CConfig | Convenience wrapper to query a JSON configuration file |
CConfigReader | Simple configuration file reader |
CCoroutineGroup | CoroutineGroup is a helper class to manage a group of coroutines. It allows to spawn multiple coroutines and wait for all of them to finish |
CExponentialBackoffStrategy | A retry strategy that retries while exponentially increasing the delay between attempts |
CLedgerTypes | A helper class that provides lists of different ledger type catagory |
CLock | A lock on a mutex that provides access to the protected data |
CLogger | A simple thread-safe logger for the channel specified in the constructor |
CLogService | A global logging service |
CMoveTracker | A base-class that can be used to check whether the current instance was moved from |
CMutex | A container for data that is protected by a mutex. Inspired by Mutex in Rust |
COverloadSet | Overload set for lambdas |
CRandom | Random number generator |
CRepeat | A class to repeat some action at a regular interval |
CResponseExpirationCache | Cache of requests' responses with TTL support and configurable cachable commands |
CRetry | A retry mechanism |
CRetryStrategy | Interface for retry strategies |
CSignalsHandler | Class handling signals |
CSourceLocation | A class representing the source location of the current code |
CStopHelper | Helper class to stop a class asynchronously |
CStrandedPriorityQueue | A wrapper for std::priority_queue that serialises operations using a strand |
CTagDecorator | A decorator that decorates a string (log line) with a unique tag |
CTagDecorator< impl::NullTagGenerator > | Specialization for a nop/null decorator |
CTagDecoratorFactory | A factory for TagDecorator instantiation |
CTaggable | A base class that allows attaching a tag decorator to a subclass |
►Nweb | This namespace implements the web server and related components |
►Ndosguard | |
CBaseDOSGuard | The interface of a denial of service guard |
CDOSGuard | A simple denial of service guard used for rate limiting |
CDOSGuardInterface | The interface of a denial of service guard |
CIntervalSweepHandler | Sweep handler clearing context every sweep interval from config |
CWhitelist | A whitelist to remove rate limits of certain IP addresses |
CWhitelistHandler | A simple handler to add/check elements in a whitelist |
CWhitelistHandlerInterface | Interface for a whitelist handler |
►Nimpl | |
CErrorHelper | A helper that attempts to match rippled reporting mode HTTP errors as close as possible |
CHttpBase | This is the implementation class for http sessions |
CWsBase | Web socket implementation. This class is the base class of the web socket session, it will handle the read and write operations |
►Nng | |
►Nimpl | |
►CConnectionHandler | |
CStringHash | |
CErrorHelper | A helper that attempts to match rippled reporting mode HTTP errors as close as possible |
CHttpConnection | |
CUpgradableConnection | |
CWsConnection | |
CWsConnectionBase | |
CConnection | A class representing a connection to a client |
CConnectionMetadata | An interface for a connection metadata class |
CRequest | Represents an HTTP or WebSocket request |
CResponse | Represents an HTTP or Websocket response |
CRPCServerHandler | The server handler for RPC requests called by web server |
CServer | Web server class |
CServerTag | A tag class for server to help identify Server in templated code |
CSubscriptionContext | Implementation of SubscriptionContextInterface |
CAdminVerificationStrategy | Interface for admin verification strategies |
CConnectionBase | Base class for all connections |
CContext | Context that is used by the Webserver to pass around information about an incoming request |
CDetector | The Detector class to detect if the connection is a ssl or not |
CHttpSession | Represents a HTTP connection established by a client |
CIPAdminVerificationStrategy | Admin verification strategy that checks the ip address of the client |
CPasswordAdminVerificationStrategy | Admin verification strategy that checks the password from the request header |
CPlainWsSession | Represents a non-secure websocket session |
CResolver | Simple hostnames to IP addresses resolver |
CRPCServerHandler | The server handler for RPC requests called by web server |
CServer | The WebServer class. It creates server socket and start listening on it |
CSslHttpSession | Represents a HTTPS connection established by a client |
CSslWsSession | Represents a secure websocket session |
CSslWsUpgrader | The HTTPS upgrader class, upgrade from an HTTPS session to a secure websocket session |
CSubscriptionContext | A context of a WsBase connection for subscriptions |
CSubscriptionContextInterface | An interface to provide connection functionality for subscriptions |
CWsUpgrader | The websocket upgrader class, upgrade from an HTTP session to a non-secure websocket session |
CAccountTransactionsData | Struct used to keep track of what to write to account_transactions/account_tx tables |
CFormattedTransactionsData | Account transactions, NFT transactions and NFT data bundled togeher |
CMPTHolderData | Represents an MPT and holder pair |
CNFTsData | Represents an NFT state at a particular ledger |
CNFTTransactionsData | Represents a link from a tx to an NFT that was targeted/modified/created by it |
CPrometheusService | Singleton class to access the PrometheusInterface |